Cauliflower Pasta

Cover Image for Cauliflower Pasta

This is literally the food embodiment of comfort. On a cold, rainy night in winter, there's nothing better than rugging up with a steamy bowl of your favourite creamy pasta.

Don't get us wrong - we thoroughly enjoy a hearty, creamy pasta made with cream. But sometimes, you just want to opt for a lighter version that still satiates those cravings without sending you into a deep food coma. And that is why we started making this recipe.

Topping the pasta with the toasted bread crumbs helps it feel like a pasta bake without the time commitment. We promise, you will not want to skimp out on this one!

We chose to roast our cauliflower because we were doing a bunch of other meal prep in the oven. Feel free to boil or roast or prepare the cauliflower however you wish. Just note that if you boil it, you will want to add extra seasoning when you blend up the sauce so that it is super tasty.


  • 1 cup cauliflower (pre-cooked)
  • 2 rashers of bacon
  • 1/3 cup bread crumbs (we just crumbled up 1 slice of bread)
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • Pasta (we chose to use shell pasta)
  • 1 cup pasta water
  • 1/4 cup grated cheese
  • 1 tsp dried herbs
  • 1 tsp garlic powder


  1. Cook your pasta according to the cooking instructions on the packet. Don't forget to reserve pasta water for the sauce
  2. Thinly slice and pan fry the bacon until crispy. Once it is done, put the bacon aside, leaving the bacon grease in the frying pan
  3. Next, add the butter to the pan and then add the bread crumbs. Season it with garlic powder and dried herbs. Once nicely golden and toasted, set aside
  4. Put the cauliflower and around 1/2 cup of pasta water into your blender. Blend until nice and creamy. If it is too thick or lumpy, gradually add more pasta water until desired consistency is reached
  5. Add the cooked pasta and cauliflower sauce into the frying pan. Once the pasta and sauce are well combined, stir through your cheese until melted.
  6. Top the pasta with your bacon and bread crumbs, and serve up!